Become A Part
Get To Know Us

There is a wealth of pamphlets, hand outs, ministries, places to get involved, people, information at The Tabernacle... and thats a good thing! However, sometimes having a step by step process brings the heart peace.

Below are the steps for you to begin your journey with us. We hope that these steps not only introduce us to you as a family but bring you closer to the love of the Father. 


Step 1

Come join us on our Sunday Celebration! Worship with us, pray with us, laugh with us. The best place to start is to be with us on our Sunday Celebrations. 


Step 2
Heart of The Tabernacle 

Take the "Heart of The Tabernacle" 4 week course that gets you involved, demonstrates our heart, explains our foundational beliefs and shows our journey as a community of believers. Sign up below. 


Step 3
Serve With Us

Serving with us starts with Team Church. After completing the "Heart of the Tabernacle" course, we want to find out what your gifts are and what your passionate for in the Kingdom of God. Meet with our Team Church leader to find the best place you want to serve. 


Step 4

We highly recommend to everyone who has made The Tabernacle their home church to begin their ministry classes with Firestarters. It's the fast track to a supernatural lifestyle and the basis for much of our ministries and beliefs